0Saturday. 5th [August 1899]—Plombières
BaylorBrowning Guide

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5 August 1899 — Plombières
Saturday. 5th [August 1899]. Today to my usual bath was added a douche– Lionel joined Nela & me in the reading of Boswell. He & Vere left in the evening for Paris & London– The days succeed each other in the same manner– Breakfast at 9. Bath to which I have had a douche added—at 10.30. Bed for ½ hour afterwards during which Nela generally reads Bos: to me. Walk to the Source des Dames & drink waters at 12.30. Lunch 1.30. Read & write till 5 or 6. Walk—drink more waters before dinner & dine at 7.30. Patience—& bed at 10. Ivor & Nela generally sit out after dinner & then go & practise at the shooting booth. This week I took three lessons in Greek lace making lit into linen.

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