0Tuesday. 22nd [August 1899]—Bâle
BaylorBrowning Guide

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22 August 1899 — Bâle
Tuesday. 22nd [August 1899]. We left Bâle by 7.20 train & went straight to Interlaken. We had an hour to wait there so went to the Restaurant opposite the station and had lunch. Then came on to Grindelwald by 4 o’cl; & walked from the station to the Hotel Bear where we had ordered rooms. So here we are again amongst the mountains that Henry loved so much & where we were together last after stopping at Rosenlaui where we met Sir Robt Collier & his daughter & grandchildren (Mme Galletti) & Mr & Mrs John Ball & Fanny Kemble! This hotel is now a monster one—but we have nice rooms overlooking the glacier & stream with a pleasant balcony where we sat Nela & I & made ourselves tea & rested & admired the scenery. At 7 we went down to table d’hôte where there were abt 300 people! The food was excellent, but the noise of talking & the waiters rushing hither & thither was overwhelming. All the chambermaids had come been turned into waitresses & as they all rushed round to the sound of a bell with the dishes or plates the ground shook under us. To add to the din 3 itinerant musicians came in & sang & played. At last I could stand it no longer & half way thro’ the meal we left & went & walked up & down in the cool wondering how we should get away from it.

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