0Wednesday. 23rd [August 1899]—Grindelwald
BaylorBrowning Guide

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23 August 1899 — Grindelwald
Wednesday. 23rd [August 1899]. Breakfast in my room. Nela went down. We took our work & Boswell’s Johnson & climbed to a little wood & sat & worked & read till 1 when we returned to lunch at the table d’hôte. A party of Polytechnic people & a great many gone on expeditions the meal was quieter & smaller. We made coffee afterwards in our room & then wrote letters till 5. Made tea & went for a walk to the                glacier. Nela went on to it & saw the blue ice grotto & it was past 8 when we got back to the hotel. We dined quietly in the Restaurant. Played patience & to bed at 10.

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