0Monday. 13th [November 1899]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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13 November 1899 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Monday. 13th [November 1899]. Usual work giving out linen stores &c. Wrote letters. Lunch at 1. At 2 Mr de Zuccato came about the Transvaal subscription. He had this morning received a letter from the Consul Genl at Florence asking us English to subscribe thro’ him & Lord Currie the Ambassador so there was no need for us to form a committee but I suggested that we should form a Ladies Guild to work for the War with our needles. I was selected President, Mrs Browning secy & Mrs Christie Treasurer & Mrs Eden V. President. I agreed to write to England to find out what was most wanted—& we are to start away at once. Mr Christie also came & brought the Newmans from the Sailor’s Institute to look at the odds & ends which I have turned out of the lumber room & which proved to be very acceptable. I sent home Mrs Christie in the gondola– I walked to the Piazza– Changed an order at the P. Office bought my railway tickets for tomorrow’s journey on the Piazza, paid a bill for Mrs Lowther, bought a box of Venetian baicoli to take to the Empress & then found the gondola at the Piazza & came home to tea & then wrote letters till dinner time. In the evening Mrs Curtis, the Belmondos, Montalbas, Bentivoglios, Mr Woods, the Austrian Consul, & young Le Mallier came. It is a splendid moonlit night—& there seems no chance of seeing the showers of meteors which were foretold by the astronomers. Today there was great ferment amongst the people on acct of the prophesy that today was to be the end of the world & many firmly believe it. There was an earthquake a day or two ago at Leghorn which confirmed many in this area & created a great panic.

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