0Sunday. 14th [January 1900]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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14 January 1900 — 3 Savile Row
Sunday. 14th [January 1900]. I went to the Marlboro’ House Chapel Royal service at 10—& was home by 11. Nellie & Onie went to church at 11. My sister Constance came to see me soon after I came home & sat talking till 12 when she went to church. She told me all her troubles about her wild son Ernest & cried bitterly. I am dreadfully sorry for her– He seems quite incurable. Miss Oswell came to luncheon also Richard Du Cane whom I thought dreadfully aged. Later in the afternoon Nela, Louis & Dacre Du Cane called. They tell me my brother Arthur’s widow is married to a cousin Mr Cecil Chapman—so we have happily got rid of her out of the family. Also that Rhuvon is obliged to leave Egypt as his health will not stand the climate & that his mother says he wants to find some work in England & that salary is no object to him which makes me wonder why he need have brought a lawsuit against his uncle Merthyr on the plea of poverty. Onie left for Ireland–

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