0Tuesday. 30th January [1900]—3 Savile Row
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30 January 1900 — 3 Savile Row
Tuesday. 30th January [1900]. taken at great loss of life had to be abandoned. I went off quite early to report progress to Addie Bedford & asked for advice abt getting the Base hospital communicated with. She finally gave me a letter for Surgeon Genl Muir & I said I would go to him. I went quickly home to meet Miss Faithfull she came at 11.30 & we went together to Cook’s Office & got her ticket & met there her friend Miss Chaplain who also took hers. Then we got into a hansom & drove to Victoria St 83 where the Genl lives but could not find him at home so we went back here for luncheon to which Mrs Julia Ball came & also Mrs Cazenove. Directly afterwards Miss F. & I started off again in search of Genl Muir. At the War Office they referred us to Cox the banker, then they sent us to Holt the Army Agents. Then to another Agency & at last then they sent us on to 18 Victoria St where at last we found him. Our introduction procured us a speedy interview– Luckily I was supported by Miss F who is very prompt, for I felt very shy. However I said little & handed in my notes & papers & cut our visit very short. On coming out I asked Miss F what she thought about it—she said she thought by his manner that he was favorable to our scheme & meant to support it. By this time it was four o’cl & we both very tired so we parted & each got into a hansom & returned to our respective homes & I rested till tea. Connie came to tea & she was very low, poor thing. Disappointed as to her daughter not doing anything & having no energy to try & do any thing. Poor Connie. It is so difficult to help her & she is so sad & worried. What is to be done. Then quite late Ola came in to tell me that her sisters want to find work to do that they (the Du Canes) are now so badly off they must leave their London house & get to work. I tell her I think Daisy had better learn short hand & typing & I promised to ask about it. Miss Oswell just then came in & I asked her & she says she takes pupils at £5 for 6 months. Miss Oswell brought me a new Hammond machine she has just bought for me– She stayed to dinner & afterwards typed a letter for me. At 9.30 I went to Wimborne House to see Cornelia who sent for me. She had Lady de Ramsay with her– As soon as I got there Cornelia was called out to see someone on business so I made talk to Lady de R & read her out the Queen’s speech in the evening paper. When Cornelia returned she told me she had heard of a French family who want an English girl to go & stay with them & to speak English & suggested Mary Alderson. I said I did not believe Cecil wd allow Mary to go but I thought Daisy DC. might go & I told her what Ola had said to me. She says she will consult with Ivor about it & let me know—& now it is 2 A.M. I have had a heavy day of it & must try and go to sleep– This evening’s post brought me a letter from Genl Muir asking me for the exact address of the Madeira Homes so it looks like business!

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