0Tuesday. 6th [February 1900]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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6 February 1900 — 3 Savile Row
Tuesday. 6th [February 1900]. I remained in bed late so as to get a good rest for I have been running about a great deal. Constance came to luncheon– Afterwards I took a walk with Nelly. It was bitterly cold. Mr Bishop came to dinner also Mr Cazenove & Dr Hyslop. The two latter to talk Madeira, the former to talk “Venezia & Murano” glass works. Dr Hyslop showed us a letter from the War Office to Mrs Dring saying the Homes are all put under the Duke of Abercorn & we must go to him. This comes a fresh complication & Dr Hyslop says we must wait a bit & he will make further enquiries. It is all very perplexing.

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