0Wednesday. 28th [February 1900]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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28 February 1900 — 3 Savile Row
Wednesday. 28th [February 1900]. Arthur Du Cane came in the morning to advise me as to what to write about the Venice Sailor’s Institute to Sir Francis de Winton. Blanche called in the morning & asked me to go & see her later. After lunch I sent out for some flowers & took them to Bethlem Hospital & Dr Hyslop took me into 2 of the women’s wards & I paid the ladies a visit & distributed my flowers amongst them. They seemed pleased & I became very friendly with many of them—& remained altogether about an hour after which I went to tea with Mrs Hyslop in her pretty upstairs drawing room. Then home & after sitting with Nellie while she had tea I walked up to Cav. Sqr & sat with Blanche for an hour. Irène came back here with me to dine. We expected Lady Gregory but she did not come.

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