0Monday. 12th [March 1900]—Lutterworth
BaylorBrowning Guide

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12 March 1900 — Lutterworth
Monday. 12th [March 1900]. Eda went off to Peterboro’ quite early to join her brother Monty who is to be inducted into his new living of Chesterton tomorrow. Kate & I worked at tidying & arranging things in her drawing room. After lunch we sat in the garden till it was time for me to go to the station & leave by 3.30 train. Mary & Kate & Cecil saw me off. There was a nice young lady in the carriage with me & we talked about the war all the way & had 5 o’cl tea together. I got home at 6. Jesse Siret came to see me at 7 to apply to be my butler & I engaged him to come on Thursday. I went to dine at Wimborne House & met there Mr & Mrs Gilbert Parker & Mr Galton & Nela & Louis Du Cane. Had a pleasant long talk with Mr Parker after dinner. He was very entertaining & interesting. He is interested in a scheme for a lodging house for poor ladies wh he hopes to get built in Bloomsbury.

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