0Wednesday. 28th [March 1900]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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28 March 1900 — 3 Savile Row
Wednesday. 28th [March 1900]. Believing my cold to be nearly at an end I thought I might go out today. Daisy DC. lunched with me. Directly after lunch I went in a 4 wheel cab to try & see Adeline Bedford. She was out. I walked on to 9 S. Audley St & paid Mrs Rate a visit. She was in her room & not well– From there I walked home. It was a bitter NE wind & I got very hoarse at once. I got home at 4 & found a card from Blanche to say she would return & wanted me to go with her to choose a bullfinch for little Gweneth—so I waited with my bonnet on. Georgina Lady Dudley called to make final arrangements for a Mrs Boyce to meet her wounded husband at our Madeira Homes. When Blanche arrived we drove off in her carriage to Covent Garden with Gweneth & they bought a bullfinch & I a little green parrot. On return I found Constance waiting for me & we had tea together. Today Monty’s nurse left. She was a nice little woman.

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