0Saturday. 12th [May 1900]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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12 May 1900 — 3 Savile Row
Saturday. 12th [May 1900]. I received a cable from the Cape to say it would cost £600 to furnish the house at Matjesfontein & asking if Dr Wainwright should proceed. I went at once to see Adeline Duchess to ask her advice. She said we had better cable out to ask if Mr Logan would let us use his money for it. I came home & composed a long telegram to send when the servant came to say Mr Williams was at the telephone & wished to speak to me. I told him the situation & it suddenly struck me to ask him if he would go to the Lord Mayor & ask him to take off his restrictions & allow us to furnish with his money. Mr W. said he would go at once to the Mansion House & in a short time he telephoned to me to say he had seen the Ld Mayor & persuaded him to do this so I cabled simply “Proceed.” This was a great relief. On my way home from Adeline in the morning I stopped at 9 S. Audley Street & spoke to Mr Rate about handing over to Duncannon his shares in the Venezia Murano according to Mr Bishop’s wish– This he promises to do. After lunch Nellie & I took a walk to call on Maria & then home for 5 o’cl tea. Aimée dined at 17 Cav. Square. Nellie & I dined together.

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