0Tuesday. 31st [July 1900]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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31 July 1900 — 3 Savile Row
Tuesday. 31st [July 1900]. Went with Nellie shopping which took us nearly all the morning & was very fatiguing tho’ we did not walk far– As we were coming home met newspaper boys running with large placards saying “Sudden death of the Duke of Saxe Coberg”—our Prince Alfred. Really every day one hears of something tragic. He was comparatively young & the ordinary public did not know he was ill. The papers this evening say he had cancer in the root of the tongue but no one here knew it. My thoughts flew to my dear Empress Frederick. Everyone here now tells me that she is said to have cancer—& I try to look as if I knew nothing about it—but I am sad—very sad. After lunch I went to the hair dresser to have my hair washed. As it is perfectly white it shows the blacks of London & I am obliged to have it washed often– I then walked to Marlborough House & wrote my name on the P. & Pss of Wales & thence home. Daisy Du Cane came to tea. Evely Eliot looked in to ask me to go & dine with her mother. I told her I was too tired & have to pack for tomorrow’s journey & told her to send Connie to dine with us. I walked after tea to Gros. Sqr & wrote my name at the Italian Embassy as a mark of respect—then home & rested till dinner. Mary Alderson arrived from Peterboro’ just before dinner to spend the night & go to Wales with me tomorrow. In the middle of dinner Connie walked in. She had left Charlie ill in bed & hence was late– She left at 10– I packed & so to bed–

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