0Saturday. 22nd [September 1900]—Salce, Belluno
BaylorBrowning Guide

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22 September 1900 — Salce, Belluno
Saturday. 22nd [September 1900]. Having told the Edens about my divining they made me point them out places for water in their garden & Carry carried me off to their 2nd farm & I showed her a place to try for water– Returned & sat in the arbour a while with Mr Eden & then lunch at 11.30. Had letters from England—wrote answers– At 4 Carry & I drove to Socchieva to have tea with the Wiels. Met Mrs Molyneux (Mme W’s sister), Mr & Mrs Langford & Mme de Blumer & Mme Coletti. Amused them with the water divining which the Italians had never seen. Afterwards we went into the house & had music Mr Wiel accompanied on the piano & Mr Langford sang. He has a fine voice & is well taught. Elena Coletti sang very painfully & bad Italian style. We drove home by 6.30 & found Mr Eden waiting for us– Dined at 7.30 & came up to bed at 9.30.

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