0Thursday. 9th [May 1901]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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9 May 1901 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Thursday. 9th [May 1901]. We all breakfasted in our rooms. The Poynters went out to the Academy. After lunch I had a visit from Mlle Giacomelli & whose Unione per il bene seems to be hanging fire. At 3 went out in gondola with the Poynters. I had been engaged to go to Torcello with Ersilia Canevaro & the Barrères but a heavy thunderstorm came up in the morning & the expedition was put off. We went to the Eden’s garden which is bright with masses of iris—which was somewhat dashed by the storm. Home by 5.30. Iduna Bel. came—also Countess Brandolin, her daughter in law & daughter. Later P. & Pss Clary & their brother & wife & the Duke & Duchess of Portland & Mr Dallas Yorke. I showed them round the house—& they were interested to see the pictures. The Duchess has a fine figure & is 6F.2 & is rather pretty & has nice manners. I had never seen her before. Lady Galloway dined with us—& was very pleasant.

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