0Saturday. 22nd [June 1901]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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22 June 1901 — 3 Savile Row
Saturday. 22nd [June 1901]. We left Kate in town & Nellie & I went by train to Bramber to stay with Mr Musgrave at an old house called St Mary’s. It has been a monastery & later an old Inn. It is most picturesque partly built with external beams of wood. The place was bought & arranged by Hon. Algy Bourke who sold it to Mr Musgrave. The garden is small but lovely & well tended. A pretty stream runs through it. The country is pretty undulating & wooded & the Brighton downs are close by. The house has a fine iron room added to it in wh our host has placed an orchestrette which he manages very cleanly & he gave us a great deal of nice music on it. All the house is panelled with wood & there are many beautiful things collected in it. We went early to bed.

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