0Monday. 24th June [1901]—Bramber
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24 June 1901 — Bramber
Monday. 24th June [1901]. Nellie & I returned to town by lunch time. Kate was still at Savile Row. Mr Griscom’s daughter, Mrs Bettel came to lunch with us. She is a nice homely little woman & very intelligent. We walked of the comparative state of servants’ wages here & in America. We found tho’ a little higher there it was not very different to here—& there they seem to get servants to be more useful & to work better. Mr Griscom came to tea & sat a long time talking to us. Gus Alderson also came to see his mother & just before dinner he walked with me to Cav. Sqr as I wanted to see Duncannon & show him a letter I had written in French for him to Count Marcello asking him to join the Venezia Murano Co. We hurried back to Savile Row for dinner to wh Gus remained. Lady Lindsay, Blanche dined with us.

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