0Sunday. 14th [July 1901]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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14 July 1901 — 3 Savile Row
Sunday. 14th [July 1901]. D. Pablo Casals came to join me at ¼ to 10 & I took him off to Westminster Abbey as he wanted to see a Protestant service and to hear our choir singing. The service lasted from ten till ¼ to 12. I took him to walk in St James Park & then up St James’ St here & he stayed to luncheon. Lady MacDonell & her daughter lunched with us– Casals has been often at Lisbon & they talked over mutual friends. Mr & Mrs Cazenove came to see me—& later Mr Charles Alderson (Nellie’s uncle) & he sat a long time talking in a most agreeable manner. At 6.30 the carriage came & Nellie & I drove to Wyndham place to see Henry Alderson who is still kept in bed—& then we returned home to dinner.

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