0Saturday. 13th [July 1901]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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13 July 1901 — 3 Savile Row
Saturday. 13th [July 1901]. Typed in morning Henry’s letters to Mr Ross of 1851 to 57. Nela came to lunch & at 3.30 she & Nellie & I went to 20 Arlington Street for a rehearsal of the Pastoral Play in the big ball room. The Salisbury family were away at Hatfield. There I was joined by Sir Arthur Otway who enjoyed seeing the young ladies at their work & made suggestions & hints wh were useful to them. I brought him back to Savile Row & gave him tea & had a talk with him about the chapter he is writing for the autobiography. He made me feel low & frightened me & I begin to wonder whether I am doing right to allow the publication– Sir A. says Henry will be known & remembered for nothing but his Nineveh discoveries. Nela dined with us.

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