0Tuesday. 16th [July 1901]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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16 July 1901 — 3 Savile Row
Tuesday. 16th [July 1901]. Finished typing the Ross letters I required for Sir A. Otway. After lunch went out to call on Lady Gwendolin Cecil but did not find her. Went to see Mrs Kay who was just going out so I only had a few words with her. Went to see Henry A. who still keeps his bed & declares his deafness is not cured– Home at 5. Visit from Arthur Burr who is about to return to New York. Enid Erskine & Mrs Spottiswoode came also to tea—& then the old Misses Monk. I had a busy day collecting all the materials for Henry’s book, to be ready for Mr W. Bruce who is to edit it & will call tomorrow morning abt it. I dined with Lord & Lady Robert Cecil. Mr Dickinson took me to dinner—on my right was a Mr Shaw Stewart & Lady Alice & there were also Mrs Farnham, Mr & Mrs Littleton, Arthur Du Cane &c– Pleasant evening– Very hot weather.

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