0Friday. 2nd [August 1901]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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2 August 1901 — 3 Savile Row
Friday. 2nd [August 1901]. Took my jewels to Garrard’s to have them looked over & cleaned. Went to see Lady Somers at 30 Park Lane who is looking still very beautiful & was very kind & affectionate. I was much moved at being with her she is so particularly connected in my mind with Henry who was so fond of her & her husband. In an old letter I was reading the other day he speaks of her as “my dear friend.” After lunch I went off by train to Hampshire to stay with Blanche Lady Lindsay at the Shrubbery House Froyle. She was quite alone– It was a lovely evening. We sat in the garden near a large lavender bed in full flower talking for some time. A stoat ran across the path at a little distance from us—& after about 10 minutes crossed it again with a mouse in its mouth– Later it ran across a third time & we saw it no more.

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