0Monday. 5th August [1901]—Shrubbery House, Froyle, Hampshire
BaylorBrowning Guide

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5 August 1901 — Shrubbery House, Froyle, Hampshire
Monday. 5th August [1901]. Bank Holiday. I left the Shrubbery shortly before ten & drove in Lady Lindsay’s carriage to Alton 3 miles off to leave for Basingstoke at 10.25. On reaching the station found that the trains had been altered & that I had been misled by Bradshaw’s guide. I had to wait till 12.54. I went for a walk & saw the pretty little town of Alton & then sat patiently in the station– Amused myself by chatting to 3 school children & giving them a 1d to put in the slot to get chocolates– Also fell into conversation with an old engine driver & his wife who said they lived at Basingstoke & they were of opinion the bank holidays are not a good thing in general as they lead to a good deal of drunkeness. For himself the old gentleman said, he would far rather be by his own engine at the waterworks of Basingstoke. He talked of the good done by the Salvation Army & the reforms in some men’s life owing to its influence he had seen himself. He did not belong to the sect but he saw its good points. I started from Alton finally at 12.30 & got to Templecombe about 4 having changed trains at Basingstoke & Salisbury. Was met by Merthyr’s carriage– Found Theo sitting in the garden & had some tea which was refreshing. Merthyr is very well barring asthma. Miss Acland the girls Ex governess is staying here also. Dined at 7.30. I sat alone in the boudoir most of eveng having first all gone to the garden after dinner to take a stroll—very warm evening– There were fires on the hill opposite—some bank holiday Fête. Alarming telegram abt Empress Frederick.

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