0Tuesday. 24th [December 1901]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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24 December 1901 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 24th [December 1901]. Arranged in the afternoon the costumes for the tableaux with Mr Woods. Found the old box of stage properties wh we had used in former days & brought them out for use. I had never thought to use them more & it hurt me much as it brought back many old memories of happy Christmas with Henry & the Du Cane girls what now seems to have been in a former life long long ago. Emilia had gone off to the Mass at St Mark’s & only came back in time to dress for 7 o’cl dinner. Mr Eden & Carry dined– He having his reclining sofa as usual– He had not dined here since Henry’s departure, then there were Clara Montalba & her brother, Iduna & Count Belmondo, Mr Horatio Brown, Mr Woods RA & Mr Byard. The Belmondos mistook the hour & came after we had sat down to dinner. After dinner Mr & Mrs Hulton came with their 2 girls, Baron & Bss Haan with their girls, Marquesa Bentivoglio with hers, Mr & Mrs Harston & her little boy—& Count Wenkheim & his girl. We then made the children to the living portraits—& it was a very pretty thing. The children really did it very cleverly & when once they understood what was expected of them threw themselves into the thing with spirit—running backwards & forwards behind the scenes to help. Kind Mr Woods RA undertook to pose them & was indefatigable. After several portraits had been done there was a pause & we all went to the windows to hear the English sailors from the Institute sing Carols from a boat. Then we returned & did a few more & at 10 went in to tea in the dining room. The children were seated at the table; the grown ups stood round. I gave each child a box of bonbons & the rest little coloured silk bags of bonbons. We had about 3 more tableaux ending with Iduna Bel: as a shepherdess, myself as I was—& Mr Montalba with a false nose! It was nearly twelve & the party dispersed.

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