0Thursday. 26th December [1901]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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26 December 1901 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Thursday. 26th December [1901]. Quiet day– Dined at 7 & directly after I went off in gondola to the Institute taking the two maids Jane & Baker with me– There was a concert going on & abt 50 men & some excellent singing. There was one young officer who accompanied excellently well on the piano. There was a Capt.                who sang also not badly. I sang “Oh my sweet bird” not well—but it passed muster– There were 2 very good recitations. I left abt 10.30 & the maids remained behind by my permission with Austin who had joined them. I found Emilia still up when I came home– We had a little broth & talked & went to bed. I had not been long there when I had to jump up & was very sick. As no one answered my bell I called up Emilia & she did what she cd– The kitchen maid then appeared on the scene—but no servants. At last Pasquale was called up & sent to fetch Dr Sacchi—it was abt 4 when he came & the servants also from the Institute! I was in a good deal of pain & the Dr at once injected morphia into my arm wh soothed me & in ¼ hour I was asleep.

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