0Wednesday. 5th [February 1902]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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5 February 1902 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Wednesday. 5th [February 1902]. It was snowing when we got up but the weather cleared & it became a lovely day. We went to call on Dss Reinelt & found her alone & had a chat. She was full of the strange behaviour of Css Canevaro who had insulted 2 other ladies for nothing– We concluded she is strange in her head– We went on to the Piazzetta & took a walk– It was quite like spring & many people out sunning themselves. Trombini dined with us & then we had an evening of trios– It was very fine. We had Rubinstein’s trio which had been such a favourite of Henry’s & brought back to me many memories—& all night afterwards ran in my brain so that I woke with it. We had only 15 people—to listen—a nice quiet little party.

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