0Thursday. 6th [February 1902]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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6 February 1902 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Thursday. 6th [February 1902]. Directly after lunch we went by appointment to the Archivio di Stato to see the Director Sr Malagola. He took us over the whole place wh was originally a great convento– The space is enormous—& the contents wonderful, but the cold was intense—long immense rooms all full of archives—5 stories of them—& no ray of sun– The museum (the old library) has been charmingly arranged by this director with autographs of every kind & all the most interesting objects in the Archives– We came away frozen with the cold & went to the Piazza to take a little walk to restore the circulation. Then we met the Turk who wanted to sell me his big green carpet & he asked if he might bring it again to me & asked now only 750 lire. I said he might come & I would think about it tomorrow. Being Giovedi grasso there was a great crowd in the Piazza taking tickets for the Pesca di Beneficenza—the people here like nothing so much as a lottery.

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