0Sunday. 16th March [1902]—Rome
BaylorBrowning Guide

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16 March 1902 — Rome
Sunday. 16th March [1902]. Saw Sophy for a moment & bade her good bye & went to the station at 8.30 to leave by 9.30 train. Marchese Bentivoglio came there to meet me & said he would consent to let the Empress’ portrait be copied by Passini if he came to Venice but wd not let it go out of the country. The train was so full that there were many who had only standing room. I was in the ladies compartment with a nice German lady & her husband begged leave to sit with us wh of course I consented to & he had to tip the guard who had also to give his consent. They left the train at Florence & then I had a nice French lady as companion as far as Bologna. She spoke English very well having she said been at a school in Paris with many English & American girls– At Bologna I came upon Herr Walther hotel keeper of the Britannia at Venice. He kindly helped me to find the train for Venice—but there was no time for food. I had luckily a basket with me & had had lunch in the Restaurant Car. Reached Venice a little before 12—very tried & glad to get into bed.

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