0Saturday. 19th [April 1902]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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19 April 1902 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Saturday. 19th [April 1902]. Col. & Mrs Noel called having brought me letters of introduction from Barbara Layard wh the Col. has been in command. Directly after lunch I went off in gondola to see after the Harston child who was said yesterday to be less well. The parents were out but I went in to see Harold & found him better & sitting up. I met his mother coming away & took her with me while I went to leave some cards & then we parted at S. Vio & I went home & picked up the Pss & Seckendorff & we went to pay a visit to the Montalba family & met there some Sicilian Whitakers & other people. On my return home had a visit from Pss Clary & her daughter & then the Prefet & his wife. The Prefet asked me jokingly about my “stolen leather.” It appears the family of Centanini from whom it had been stolen had yesterday denounced the theft to the authorities. The Prefet says I shall be called to the Tribunal but promises that I shall have a little trouble as possible—but he joked me for having harboured the thief in my house! I told him I had sent him away yesterday—merely telling him he must bring me his recommendations from the family he last was with. It was a lovely warm moonlit night & I took the Pss, Seck, & Ernest out for a row for an hour before bed time.

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