0Tuesday. 22nd [April 1902]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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22 April 1902 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 22nd [April 1902]. Desideri brought me back the 630 lire wh I paid him for the leather which had been stolen from the Centanini leather—but in order to help him I prepaid him for a copy of a picture Lady Gregory has ordered– My friends all went out in different directions sketching &c. I went out in the afternoon to call on Mme Gonzales the Admiral’s wife & to enquire how the Harston child is, the poor little boy having had a relapse. I also went to call on Bss Oesterreicher & found her sitting in the little garden attached to her house. The D. & Dss of Genoa arrived by 6.45 train—but just at that moment a thunderstorm came on & heavy rain threatened so that there was no procession of gondolas. Baroness Reinelt & Mr Arbuthnot (Govr of Bk of Eng.), Mr Ho Brown dined with us & a few people came in the evening– Heavy rain having set in evidently kept many people from coming to this my last Tuesday evening reception of this season.

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