0Wednesday. 30th [April 1902]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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30 April 1902 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Wednesday. 30th [April 1902]. I left Venice by 8.45 train via Turin for Paris. The Prefect, French Consul, Mr Montalba & Harston came to the station to see me off. The train was a full one but the Prefect had ordered a place to be kept for me & I was quite comfortable & had a place in a fauteuil lit for the night. An English lady & gentleman came into the carriage at Turin & were pleasant companions—but as the beds are made by pulling out all in a row it wd have been awkward had the side traveller wanted to get out and over the other occupants however we were quiet & compatible.

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