0Friday. 2nd [May 1902]—Paris
BaylorBrowning Guide

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2 May 1902 — Paris
Friday. 2nd [May 1902]. The Bompards fetched me at 10 & took me to the Louvre to see the new Salle Reubens. The pictures make a magnificent show but I found the whole decoration too showy & not in the good taste of former days of France. We also visited the late discoveries in Syria of M. de Morgan—with Cuniform inscriptions at the Salon on Saty morning & ran hurriedly through the picture galleries. Mr Bompard’s pictures of Venice which are there made a very creditable effect. I dined with the Bompards in the evening. Their apartment is Bd Piérre at the top of a house & then had a great many pretty things—many bought at Venice & the rooms are crowded with bric a brac. There was a M. Le Mallier son of the French Consul at Venice, M. Raoul Bompard & his wife– He had to leave in the middle of dinner to attend an election meeting as he is a candidate for this election– Emilienne the Bompard girl of 11 was at table & in the evening played on the piano to me. She plays marvellously well for a girl of that age—almost as well as her mother does now. She played a concerto which took her at least 10 minutes, all by heart.

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