0Sunday. 18th [May 1902]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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18 May 1902 — 3 Savile Row
Sunday. 18th [May 1902]. Whitsunday. Town curiously empty. When I went out at 9.45 to go to church I met only a policeman & a milk man between my house & Bond Street. Unfortunately for the holiday makers the weather is wet & bitterly cold– I was home at 11.30 from church & finished typing out Henry’s youthful letters to Miss Cecilia Berkeley. Connie came to lunch with me & we typed notices of the new International hospital at Venice for me to distribute. I then, when she left, went to call on Lady Thompson who recd me as kindly as ever. She is a little more helpless every time I see her & quiet set fast in her chair but always kind, cheerful & good. Home for 5 o’cl tea. The town very quiet. At 10 P.M. my sister Kate arrived from Lutterworth to go off tomorrow to Paris with me. She slept in my room–

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