0Monday. 19th [May 1902]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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19 May 1902 — 3 Savile Row
Monday. 19th [May 1902]. We left Victoria by 11 o’cl train for Paris accompanied by Vere Ponsonby. We met our cousins Lord & Lady Lindsey going by the same train to Italy. We had a fair crossing & took Millicent Lindsey into our private cabin as she was not a very good sailor. We reached Paris at 7 o’cl & were met by old M. Belard & went to his hotel & had the apartment on 2nd floor. I was pleased to be back at the old place where I had spent many pleasant days with Henry. Old Mme Belard has lately died but Belard fils’ son has a wife of the same style round as a ball with a kind manner. Vere had one room & Kate & either the other divided by the salon—where we had an excellent petit diner. Bitter cold weather.

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