0Thursday. 3rd [July 1902]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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3 July 1902 — 3 Savile Row
Thursday. 3rd [July 1902]. Eda & I took a walk in the morning. I went to lunch with Lady Burdett Coutts & met Sir Wm & Lady Barton (he is prime minister in Australia) & Sir Gilbert & Lady Parker. I sat by Sir Wm & found him a very interesting man. He told me that he had spoken to many of the Australian troopers & that one & all had said they were delighted with their treatment over here & were surprised at the good feeling shown to them. Sir Wm spoke of the Americans with some bitterness & contempt. This morning I went to see the Colonial Troopers’ temporary Club in Dover Street which is very well managed & useful as giving men a respectable place of meeting where they can get good food at moderate prices. I dined with the Bp of Ripon & Mrs Boyd Carpenter at their flat in Carlisle Mansions & met Mr & Lady Eva Dugdale– The Bishop of Hereford & Mrs Percival & the Bp of Sierra Leone– The Bp of Ripon showed me a little seal given to him by the Empress Frederick the last time he had seen her when she was dying. It had belonged to our Queen & was made of a Cairn gorm found by the then P. of Wales & the Empress.

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