0Friday. 4th [July 1902]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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4 July 1902 — 3 Savile Row
Friday. 4th [July 1902]. Woke with a terrible headache & had to remain in bed till tea time when I got up. Mr Dent came to see me to arrange about drawings for the Sale I am to have on 15th & 16th for the International hospital at Venice. Then Eda & I walked to Brook St to call on Mrs Burns by appointment to ask her to contribute to it. She is a great talker & it was not easy to explain to her what I wanted. She was much exercised about a nurse she & her friends pay for at Venice & who is under the management of Fannie Browning & Dr van Someren—but I made out that Mrs Burns is willing that her nurse should be in work with the new Hospital. Lady Humphrey & Verona Brooke dined with us.

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