0Saturday. 23rd [August 1902]—Branksome Dene, Poole, Dorset
BaylorBrowning Guide

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23 August 1902 — Branksome Dene, Poole, Dorset
Saturday. 23rd [August 1902]. I left B. Dene & went to stay at Inwood with Merthyr & Theo & Richard Du Cane went with me– Found staying there Mr FitzHenry, Lady Howard of Glossop & a Col. Dr Scott. The latter is an army Dr retired & a great friend of the Empress Eugenie. Lady Howard is a widow—a globe trotter—& told us how she arrived at La Martinique 2 days after the destruction of S. Pierre & no one could land or even approach the shore. Mr Fitzhenry is an oldish man, a great collector of bric a brac & a great talker.

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