0Wednesday. 3rd [September 1902]—Lausanne
BaylorBrowning Guide

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3 September 1902 — Lausanne
Wednesday. 3rd [September 1902]. where at the station we met Cecil & Kate Alderson with their children, Monty, Eda & Mary. I exchanged Nela for Kate & we went on to Brieg—the others following by a later train. Took a walk before dinner after the whole party had joined us to the little village near where there is a fine church & where Henry used to tell me he remembered sleeping in old posting days when he was a very little boy– How his father had bet his nursery maid she would not venture after dark into the bone house & bring back a human bone—& that the girl had won the bet. We found the bone house still existing tho’ not so glaringly open as in those days– We had an amusing episode on arriving at Brieg station– Every member of our party had given me their hand bag to bring on from Lausanne—the result was that I had an excess of the hand luggage allowed each traveller. The station master at Brieg flew at me, ordered it all to be weighed & made me pay for it. Kitty was indignant & tried to argue it out. I knowing that it was futile to do so & that the Swiss are a stubborn people at once gave in, tried to calm Kitty & paid the small sum—after much talk we got away & subsided into quiet. I always find it best in those cases to be calm & even cheerful so heaping coals of the irate official.

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