0Saturday. 3rd [January 1903]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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3 January 1903 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Saturday. 3rd [January 1903]. Had a formal visit from Dr van Someren bringing me a letter to say that the Com: for the English hospital no longer offer rooms in Campo S. Polo, but defer the whole scheme until funds eno’ can be collected for a suitable house. After lunch I had a visit from Css Papadopoli who is leaving for Rome with her second daughter Magda who is fiancé to Prince Potenziani. The Countess is always kind & has pretty manners! Nela dined with the Edens and went to the Opera with them. I went to the Opera with Baroness Reinelt in the box of Countess Morosini who invited us. The kind Bss asked me to go in order to uphold Css Morosini who has been lately attacked in a vile manner by an anonymous astute in a French newspaper—in consequence of wh her dear? friends here looked askance at her. She & her girl went for a journey with Mr Gordon Bennett in his yacht this autumn & hence the attack. She is a handsome woman—vain & a flirt & loves to be always surrounded by men—& has thus stupidly made herself unpopular here & stirred the jealousy of her friends– I believe there is no harm in her but she is not sympathetic to me.

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