0Sunday. 22nd [March 1903]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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22 March 1903 — 3 Savile Row
Sunday. 22nd [March 1903]. Had a quiet day going to Marlboro House Chapel with Nellie for 11 o’cl service. The K & Queen & P. & Pss of Wales & their little boy were there—so that one saw the 3 generations altogether side by side. Went home & sat quiet till after tea. Visit from Col. Scott who came to say he is going to Venice this week & I gave him letters of introduction. Mr James Knowles (ed. of 19th Century review) came in to ask me to go with him to the Burlington fine art club in this street where there are some fine things on view. As I went downstairs Connie came in so she accompanied us. On our return found Val Prinsep here & later his wife joined us. The Val P.s have only lately returned from Venice & she was full of all the Venice tittle tattle. Nellie & I dined alone. it was a lovely summer like day.

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