0Monday. 23rd [March 1903]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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23 March 1903 — 3 Savile Row
Monday. 23rd [March 1903]. Connie came & helped me to prepare the drawings I have for my sale—to number, price, & list them—so I only went out after lunch for a few moments to Albemarle to see John Murray & ask him about Henry’s book & to let me have a copy for the King if he should accept one—to ask him to send one to Miss Canning, Lord Stratford de Redcliffe’s daughter, & to ask him for some books for my sale. We discussed as to whether “Punch” should have got last week such brutal remarks on it—but could not get at the reason. I returned at once to my work– After tea Connie went home. Blanche came to see me with Irène & I walked with them to Cav. Sqr & back. Dined with Mr & Mrs Beaumont at 144 Piccadilly. A very large party amongst them Sir A. & Lady Hayter, Mr & Mrs Bryce (the Ex Minister & writer), Mr Claude Philips who sat next me but was so engrossed with his other neighbour that he hardly spoke to me. The old gentleman who was my other neighbour & took me into dinner was agreeable but his name I did not catch. After dinner our host sat & talked to me till I left a little before 12—& was very pleasant.

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