0Sunday. 19th [July 1903]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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19 July 1903 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Sunday. 19th [July 1903]. Guggenheim came in just before 10 to tell me that there is to be a meeting of Venetians abt the V. Murano Co. & they hope to do something to help Duncannon’s efforts. I went to church at 10.30. After tea went to the Edens garden & sat by the lagune. It was very hot—& the Edens talk of leaving soon for Belluno. Had visit from the engineer abt work to be done in this house—& what is being done at the hospital. Dined at 7 & went to the service at the Sailor’s Institute & walked back afterwards with Mr Harston.

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