0Wednesday. 22nd [July 1903]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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22 July 1903 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Wednesday. 22nd [July 1903]. It was a very warm day. I invited several people to tea at 4 o’clock—Mr & Mrs Merrick & Clara Montalba, Mr & Mrs Johnston & 2 Misses Underwood who all came– Later Genl de Horsey joined us, Iduna Belmondo & a Signor Meale who is better known under the name of “Umano” his nom de plume. He is a man who rose by his talents to be a judge—& threw up his profession for study & philosophy. He is slight, dark & very pale or rather sallow with brilliant eyes a very high forehead. He is an enthusiast and not very practical. He at once held forth to us how he is abt to write a great work which is to prove to the world that the reason of its deterioration is the want of faith & that it requires that some kind of faith should be established in order to make one understand the marvels of science & to be able to go hand in hand with her. He stayed until every one except Clara Montalba was gone & then we fell on the subject of ghosts, spirits &c wh he declares may exist tho’ with a natural law & cause as yet unknown to us. I asked him abt water divining of wh he had never heard. I showed him my power of finding it & he was astonished & left promising to think it over. When he was gone I went off in gondola to see the Edens & to bid them adieu as they leave Venice for their villa near Belluno tomorrow. After dinner I went to the Sailor’s Institute to attend the concert there. There were a good many men but not much musical talent. Came home very tired & rather ailing & glad to get to bed.

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