0Saturday. 22nd [August 1903]—Inwood, Henstridge, Somerset
BaylorBrowning Guide

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22 August 1903 — Inwood, Henstridge, Somerset
Saturday. 22nd [August 1903]. Did not get up till 11—& then sat with Merthyr talking till lunch. Went out with Theo in the garden & then sat and had tea. Sir Julius & Lady Glyn came to tea having driven over from Sherborne & her son Capt. Maxwell– When they were gone Nellie & I went for a walk till dinner. Passed the cricket field where Aura Guest was to be seen playing cricket with the servants & workmen– She had been out rabbitting in the morning & brought home 27 rabbits. It seems [to] me a pity that a girl of her age should be encouraged to have the amusements of a boy of 10 & move entirely amongst her inferiors. We dined at 7.30 & played whist in the evening—neither of us knowing much about the game.

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