0Tuesday. 1st September [1903]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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1 September 1903 — 3 Savile Row
Tuesday. 1st September [1903]. Nela & Verona appeared about 11—Nela to pack & arrange for her start. They lunched with us & then we all 4 drove to the station Charing X as I was leaving there at 2.10. Baker & Sear the cook whom I am taking out for a month met us with the luggage at the station. Connie met me at the station to go out also with me to Venice. Dorothy Fortescue & Evely & Eddie Eliot were there to see their mother off & at last we were whirled away. There was a little girl of abt 10 in the carriage with us going alone to Boulogne– We had a perfect crossing. On reaching Boulogne we found the child searching in vain for the friends who were to meet her so we took her in charge & gave her over to Cooks agent. Baker said she saw her afterwards in the hands of her friends. We reached Bâle on

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