0Tuesday. 29th [September 1903]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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29 September 1903 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 29th [September 1903]. I took out Pss Charlotte in the morning. After lunch we all went out in gondolas taking our tea & making the kettles boil & having a board across our boats to serve as a table & stayed out quite late to see the sunset—as Pss Christian wanted to see it for the last time here this year. Prof. & Sigra Malagola dined with us as also the Prefect—as a farewell– The Princesses have taken a great liking to all three—especially to “Charles Sorethroat” as he signed himself on a post card he sent them. Malagolas & Prefect dined with us.

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