0Thursday. 17th [December 1903]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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17 December 1903 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Thursday. 17th [December 1903]. Nela & I went to luncheon with Lady Radnor at Pal. de Mula—where we met Auguste & Clara Montalba & Mr Harston. After lunch I went to try & see Sr Marzollo at the Co V. Murano to tell him that the Prefect yesterday had told me to advise the Co to send things & glass on show to the St Louis Exn U.S. He was not at the shop. I was feeling bitterly cold so I went home leaving him a message to come to me. I got hot water bottles & rugs & tucked myself upon the studio sofa to try & warm myself– There came Marzollo & I gave him my message– I got better towards evening & went down to dinner.

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