0Friday. 18th [December 1903]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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18 December 1903 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Friday. 18th [December 1903]. Woke feeling very ill & could not get up so sent for the Dr Sacchi who, however did not come till afternoon. He said I had a rheumatic feverish attack & must keep in bed– In the morning Mr Harston came to say Lady Radnor is in a great state of mind because she has been told by Sister Clare that she cannot send her Italian gondolier’s wife to the Cosmopolitan Hospital as a paying patient as we cannot accept Italians for fear of offending the Italian Hos. authorities. They decided to call a Com: meeting to be held at the Eden’s house. Today was the day I generally accompany Mme Wiel to the Italian Hospital when she came at 2 I had to send her alone. I got better towards evening but remained in bed & Nela sat with me.

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