0Tuesday. 29th [December 1903]—Paris
BaylorBrowning Guide

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29 December 1903 — Paris
Tuesday. 29th [December 1903]. Woke refreshed & better. It is bitterly cold here. I walked to the dressmaker to see abt my dress being arranged so as to wear it to dinner at La Muette this evening. Had lunch alone in our sitting room as Addie was engaged out. On her return we drove together to shop but found the matter not easy on acct of the crowds on the same errand getting their étrennes. We were not out long but returned to a quiet tea in our salon. Started at 7 in our best array for La Muette. There was a large party assembled. Mr & Mme François de Franqueville, Mr & Mrs Maurice de Bunson English 1st secy at the Embassy, Hon. Dr Herbert, who sat next me & took me to dinner, M. & Mme de Gournet (daughter of the house), a Mr Senarst a learned Orientalist who knew about Henry’s work & others whose names I did not catch. Sophy was quite in her element. Did the honors charmingly—looked very well & had arranged the rooms with great taste. She got a young lady to come in & play very prettily the piano in the evening. At 11 Addie & I took our departures & drove back to Hotel Ritz.

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