0Sunday. [10th January 1904]—Inwood, Henstridge, Somerset
BaylorBrowning Guide

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10 January 1904 — Inwood, Henstridge, Somerset
Sunday. [10th January 1904]. We did not go to church but I sat a bit with Monty & a bit with Merthyr who seemed brighter. After lunch I took Monty for a walk to help & while away the time– Theo would not leave him hardly a moment alone with Merthyr—& the latter wd not allow Monty to smoke cigarettes before him as he said it gave him asthma. Altogether our visit to Inwood was not a success. I had a difficulty in appeasing Monty & keeping Theo civil. Merthyr came down to meals– Aura was generally [in] at that time & took no trouble to entertain us.

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