0Monday. 4th [April 1904]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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4 April 1904 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Monday. 4th [April 1904]. We went to tea with the Cassis at the Prefettura at 4 o’clock & then I left them & went off to the Hospital to be present at a Committee meeting. The Edens, Mr Brown, Mr Harston & Dr van Someren were there. I had not seen the latter since he had given up being Dr to the hospital & I had wanted to get rid of him from the Committee but had been forced by Mr Brown to keep him there. He was quiet & did not make himself objectionable. On the way home I went to see Lady Radnor & asked her if she would get up a Concert in aid of the hospital at the Rezzonico if I got Mrs Browning to lend the room there.

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