0Monday. 30th [May 1904]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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30 May 1904 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Monday. 30th [May 1904]. Mr Barber called for Mrs Poynter at 9 o’cl & carried her off to Florence. I am sorry to lose her. She is good, simple & kind & a nice companion. We told each other things of our past lives & what I learnt of hers proved to me what a good woman she must be & how much happier my lot has been so that I ought to be more patient now & more thankful for my past happiness. I had a visit in the morning from a very handsome Miss Mellin who brought me at Cav: Arbib’s suggestion a quantity of Bohemian cut glass beads made in Bohemia at a factory that had belonged to her father but wh no longer exists. She had with her an English governess. She said her family were originally from Dalmatia. She was very intelligent. I showed her how I made bead necklaces. She promised to come again & bring me more beads. After dinner I paid Bss Reinelt a visit at the Hotel Victoria & sat some time talking till others came in, amongst them the celebrated Css Morosini very smartly got up. I returned home for a cup of tea & then went to the Eden’s garden but did not stay very long as a storm threatened & it was very sultry. The storm broke in the evening but with little rain.

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